Food, Glorious Food!
Peckish? If you're hungry for a snapshot of our changing attitudes to food then dig in.
Whatever your taste - reliable staple or indulgent luxury, square meal or satisfying snack, essential nutrition or guilty treat - there's always an advertiser looking to make your mouth water.

Shippam's Real ChickenShippam's Real Chicken
Advert19550 minsSilent
This short advert tells you that only real chickens can apply to be Shippam's chickens

Branston Pickle: Advertising AgencyBranston Pickle: Advertising Agency
Advert19570 mins
15 seconds isn't long, you've got to say Crosse and you've got to say Blackwell, and you've got to say Branston Pickle!

Heinz Baked Beans : Common MarketHeinz Baked Beans : Common Market
Advert19721 mins
In 1972 Britain entered the European common market full of beans. What could go wrong?

Lyons Maid Lolly Gobble Choc BombLyons Maid Lolly Gobble Choc Bomb
Advert19740 mins
Animated advert for the much loved strawberry ice lolly, with chocolate and sugar balls and a chocolate bar inside!

RHM Nimble: Tennis WomanRHM Nimble: Tennis Woman
Advert19640 mins
An advertisement for Rank Hovis McDougall’s Nimble bread featuring a female tennis player.

Cadbury's Chocolate The Factory in a GardenCadbury's Chocolate The Factory in a Garden
Advert19313 minsSilent
A mouth-watering glimpse of the art and craft that went into making and decorating Cadbury’s chocolates in the 1930s.

After Eights: TerraceAfter Eights: Terrace
19651 mins Location: York
A world away from zany humour, Richard Lester shows he can also capture the easy opulence of the upper class nibbling After Eight mints.

Lyons Ice CreamLyons Ice Cream
Advert19381 minsSilent
From out of the vaults comes this pre-WWII cinema advert for ice-cream.

Lyons Maid Vanilla - 2p OffLyons Maid Vanilla - 2p Off
Advert19750 mins
Three children stamp the ice cream packs with a "2p off" stamp. Look out for the special packs!

Cadbury's Star BarCadbury's Star Bar
Advert19790 mins
An animated spaceman finds a Star Bar which gives him an energy boost.

Lyons Ice Cream - KinemaLyons Ice Cream - Kinema
Advert19342 minsSilent
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Kinema Kups, thanks to this delightful cartoon ad

RHM: Nimble: Lunch DateRHM: Nimble: Lunch Date
Advert19610 mins
An advert for the Nimble brand of slimming-friendly bread that reinforces the concept of the word ‘nimble’.

Rowntrees Kit Kat: Model TrainRowntrees Kit Kat: Model Train
19571 mins
Tri-ang model railways are a lure for children and big kids, but Kit Kat gets the grown-ups' attention

Shippam's Chicken SupremeShippam's Chicken Supreme
Advert19601 mins
Pre-decimalisation nostalgia abounds in this advert for Shippam's New Chicken Supreme - and it's delicious on toast too!

Shippam's Pilchards and TomatoesShippam's Pilchards and Tomatoes
Advert19550 minsSilent
Pilchards from Cornwall, mixed with tomatoes, are the best of the catch from Shippam's - in this short animated advert for cinemas

Seniors PasteSeniors Paste
Advert19681 mins
This charming animated advert from the 1960s - is for Seniors Pastes - and stars Sarah, the squeaky-voiced little girl with a monster appetite

Huntley and Palmer Digestive BiscuitsHuntley and Palmer Digestive Biscuits
Advert19811 mins
Liverpool and England footballer Emlyn Hughes gets nostalgic when he takes a team of aspiring youngsters through their paces

Findus: FishsticksFindus: Fishsticks
Advert19630 mins
Three-shot advert showing the package, several sizzling fish fingers, and a child gratefully eating them.

Fruit Gums: TeenagerFruit Gums: Teenager
19601 mins Location: York
The teenager emerges into our culture in all innocence, fruit gums in hand, doing what all teenagers first do; buy a record in a record shop.

Heinz Tomato Ketchup : Fish PattiesHeinz Tomato Ketchup : Fish Patties
Advert19601 mins
This 1960 Heinz ad boasts a recipe tip for some tasty flaked fish vol-au-vents.

Shippam's PosterShippam's Poster
Advert19550 minsSilent
Posters beckon you to tea in this colourful and nostalgic animated advert for Shippam's meat and fish pastes

RHM Nimble: Mini CarRHM Nimble: Mini Car
19641 mins
An advert for Nimble bread that stresses its suitability as part of a calorie-controlled diet.

Black Magic: TaxiBlack Magic: Taxi
19641 mins Location: York
Chocolates and wealth, chocolates and taste, chocolates and elegance, chocolates and romance: the lifestyle of chocolates.

Rowntrees Polo Mint: RomeoRowntrees Polo Mint: Romeo
Advert19650 mins
“Tis but thy name that is my enemy” is hardly an idea that lends itself to such a strong branded product, but it enlightens the otherwise humdrum.

Seniors Steak and Kidney PuddingsSeniors Steak and Kidney Puddings
Advert19681 mins
Fresh from the 60s comes a nostalgic advert for some nostalgic food - as two hungry kids clamour for their Seniors Steak & Kidney Pudding

CDF - Dog Food AdvertisementCDF - Dog Food Advertisement
Advert19641 mins
This nostalgic advert introduces all new CDF - Chicken Dog Food - for pampered pooches, puppies and their discerning owners everywhere

Polo Mint: Just Enjoy ThemPolo Mint: Just Enjoy Them
Advert19711 mins Location: York
“If I’m in a vicious mood I crunch them . . . if I’m in a good mood I suck them slowly.”

Kelloggs: 'Good Morning Trevor'Kelloggs: 'Good Morning Trevor'
Advert19701 minsSilent
At the heart of British family life… cornflakes!

Kelloggs Corn Flakes: First CarKelloggs Corn Flakes: First Car
19691 mins
Cheery ad for a certain well-known breakfast cereal.

Rowntrees Aero: TrainRowntrees Aero: Train
Advert19801 mins Location: York
The bar with unique bubbly texture, using a secret bubbly formula, giving rise to the bubbly banter of bubbly flirting.

Findus - Pancakes: Pancake Day (Revised Version)Findus - Pancakes: Pancake Day (Revised Version)
Advert19811 mins
The iconic Findus frozen food, a crispy pancake wrapped around a choice of four different fillings.

Kelloggs Frosties: ConcordeKelloggs Frosties: Concorde
19681 mins
“Ooh, le Concorde!” Frosties join the jet age with a supersonic taste for breakfast.

Kelloggs Special K: Oxford StreetKelloggs Special K: Oxford Street
19701 mins
Eye-wateringly sexist breakfast cereal ad advising women how to stay trim and stave off that puppy fat.

Kit Kat: MeccanoKit Kat: Meccano
19690 mins Location: York
Any boy struggling to construct Meccano will deserve a chocolate break, though perhaps this won’t be as satisfying as completing the Meccano.

Ever WishedEver Wished
Advert19781 mins
Ice-cream without the Lyons Maid Gold Seal is given the cold shoulder in this TV ad.

Lyons - Tasty TreatLyons - Tasty Treat
Advert19741 mins
“An hour from now you’ll wish you’d had one”, and this cinema snack song will be stuck in your head long after that

Rowntrees Smarties: The Smarties PlaceRowntrees Smarties: The Smarties Place
Advert19821 mins Location: York
A child’s fantasy of being in a place where Smarties are overflowing, and there are no adults around to spoil the fun.

Rowntrees Lion Bar: SunsetRowntrees Lion Bar: Sunset
Advert19811 mins Location: York
The simple power of association. Not a “melt in your mouth”, but a macho “crunch it, chew it”, for “when you feel like a great big bite”.

Findus: Battered Cod SteaksFindus: Battered Cod Steaks
Advert19791 mins
A 1970s ad proposing Findus Battered Cod Steaks as the centrepiece of a healthy family meal.

Shippam's Country Pot - Ooh ArrShippam's Country Pot - Ooh Arr
Advert19791 mins
Seventies nostalgia abounds in this advert for Shippam's Country Pot - for sandwiches with a bit of Ooooh-Aaar

Heinz Ploughman Pickle - LunchHeinz Ploughman Pickle - Lunch
Advert19790 mins
An animated ad for Heinz Ploughman’s Pickle, reinforcing the image of the logo rather than the well-known product.

Shippam's SandwichmakersShippam's Sandwichmakers
Advert19811 mins
Boring sandwiches get a tasty Shippam's make-over in this classic comedy commercial from the 70s starring the legendary Roy Kinnear

Heinz - Egg BoxHeinz - Egg Box
Advert19831 mins
Look out eggs, there’s a new meal in town. Behold the future of cooking - boil-in-the-bag!

Elsie and the Brown BunnyElsie and the Brown Bunny
Advert19218 mins Location: Bournville
This early Cadbury advert plays like a surreal outtake from 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.

Heinz Chicken Soup: Mother HubbardHeinz Chicken Soup: Mother Hubbard
Advert19701 mins
Narrated in verse, this ad tells the story of young Mother Hubbard and how her day was improved by a tin of Heinz soup.

Orange Maid: Drink on a StickOrange Maid: Drink on a Stick
Advert19560 mins
It’s a drink on a stick - It defies gravity! Revel in delight at this popular movie going ice lolly of the fifties.

Kelloggs Sugar Smacks: Space Mission BadgesKelloggs Sugar Smacks: Space Mission Badges
19701 mins
Groovy space badges: “wear them proudly and eat lots of Kellogg’s Sugar Smacks”.

Cadbury's Dairy Milk - XmasCadbury's Dairy Milk - Xmas
Advert19821 mins
A dreamy Christmas advert for Cadbury’s Dairy Milk.

Cadbury's Flake: SunflowersCadbury's Flake: Sunflowers
Advert19821 mins
You have to admit, it’s a pretty flaky advert for chocolate.

Youth Will Be ServedYouth Will Be Served
Advert19337 mins
Childhood obesity? This depression-era ad has kids singing the virtues of fat as an essential source of calories in impoverished times.

Findus: HomecomingFindus: Homecoming
19721 mins
Findus go out of their way to make their pie seem humble, but it all seems a bit fishy in this TV ad directed by Ridley Scott.

Alcan Foil 'fat Chef'Alcan Foil 'fat Chef'
Advert19711 minsSilent
A witty ad for foil and clingfilm products, directed by none other than Lindsay Anderson.