Victorian Entertainment
"We are not amused", said Queen Victoria - or so we're told. Her subjects, though, were eager for all manner of entertainments. The first films made their homes in the fairground and the music hall, and the first filmmakers - several of them originally showmen or magic lanternists - were more than happy to supply the laughs, drama and thrills that audiences demanded.
Comic skits, sight gags, dramatic scenes and the like were hugely popular. Non-fiction subjects outnumbered entertainments, but it was the second that inspired early filmmakers to many of their greatest innovations, from 'facials' (the first close-ups) to 'tricks', the prototype for modern special effects.

The Beggar's DeceitThe Beggar's Deceit
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A copper pursues a cheeky beggar who can't possibly escape justice - or can he?

Spiders on a WebSpiders on a Web
19000 minsSilent
Dare you watch this footage of larger-than-life spiders - one of the earliest nature films of its type?

Come Along, Do!Come Along, Do!
Comedy18981 minsSilent
A museum visitor takes an interest in a nude sculpture - to his wife's annoyance - in a sadly incomplete early film comedy

Comic Faces - Old Man Drinking a Glass of BeerComic Faces - Old Man Drinking a Glass of Beer
Comedy18971 minsSilent
How many faces can one man pull while drinking one glass of beer? Far more than you might think

How It Feels to Be Run OverHow It Feels to Be Run Over
Trick film19001 minsSilent
A terrifying first-person brush with death at the hands of a dangerous driver

The Magic ExtinguisherThe Magic Extinguisher
Trick film19012 minsSilent
You'll never guess quite what this chap can hide under his cone...

A Quick Shave and Brush-upA Quick Shave and Brush-up
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A Victorian gentleman's quaint morning routine - complete with cut-throat razor, scent and powder

Catching the Milk ThiefCatching the Milk Thief
Comedy18991 minsSilent
A tramp helps himself to a farmer's milk in this knockabout Victorian comedy

Clown and PoliceClown and Police
Trick film19002 minsSilent
A Victorian vaudeville routine is given the big screen treatment with camera tricks galore.

A Photograph Taken from Our Area WindowA Photograph Taken from Our Area Window
Comedy19011 minsSilent
Street-level storytelling with a saucy twist in this voyeuristic Victorian comedy

Children in the NurseryChildren in the Nursery
Comedy18981 minsSilent
Seen but not heard? Three children get up to mischief after mother puts them to bed in this Victorian entertainment.

Artistic CreationArtistic Creation
Trick film19012 minsSilent
This burlesque film fantasy has striking sexual overtones - and a surprising feminist twist

The Child, Dog and PramThe Child, Dog and Pram
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
This Victorian girl is engrossed in her games, and no wonder, with a dog, two cats and a doll to play with

Grandma's Reading GlassGrandma's Reading Glass
Trick film19001 minsSilent
A boy examines things through his Grandmother’s magnifying glass, and early film takes a huge step forward.

Answering a CallAnswering a Call
Non-Fiction19011 minsSilent
Fire! These early 20th-century firemen ride to the rescue on horse-drawn engines, bicycles and even a tandem

Explosion of a Motor CarExplosion of a Motor Car
Comedy19002 minsSilent
A hapless copper is left to pick up the pieces after a gruesome collision of early trick cinema and cartoonish comedy

Herbert Campbell As Little BobbyHerbert Campbell As Little Bobby
Comedy18991 minsSilent
A not-so-little variety star shows off his appetite

Lady and the BoatLady and the Boat
Comedy18991 minsSilent
It's not easy for a Victorian lady to maintain her dignity on the water - and this clown certainly doesn't help

Hanging out the Clothes; Or, Master, Mistress and MaidHanging out the Clothes; Or, Master, Mistress and Maid
Comedy18972 minsSilent
A philandering husband gets hung out to dry on laundry day

Lady and PuppiesLady and Puppies
Interest film19011 minsSilent
Four wriggling puppies make for more than an armful - as a young woman discovers in this charming short film

Man in BedroomMan in Bedroom
Trick film19012 minsSilent
A Victorian gentleman undresses for bed. Rest assured that this film contains absolutely no nudity!

Miss BayleyMiss Bayley
Non-Fiction19000 minsSilent
Backstage at a music hall, an actress prepares for her performance.

Grandma Threading Her NeedleGrandma Threading Her Needle
Comedy19001 minsSilent
Granny's eyesight may be failing, but she won't rest until she has threaded her needle, and given us a giggle too

Crime18971 minsSilent
A Victorian gentleman is robbed at gunpoint, not just for his wallet but for his hat and suit as well. Oh, the humiliation

Scandal over the TeacupsScandal over the Teacups
Comedy19001 minsSilent
Well, did you ever? Two women share juicy stories, and enjoyably shocked reactions, over tea

Soda Syphon JokeSoda Syphon Joke
Comedy19001 minsSilent
Ooh la la! This chap becomes a little too engrossed in his French magazine, and ends up taking a cold shower

The BathersThe Bathers
Comedy19002 minsSilent
A simple special effect gives an eerily comic twist to this film of Victorian gentleman taking some outdoor exercise

Stop Thief!Stop Thief!
Comedy19012 minsSilent
After him! A tramp stealing meat kicks off one of the very first film chases

The Burning StableThe Burning Stable
Drama19002 minsSilent
All hands to the pump as firemen and passersby tackle a fire and save the horses from a stable smothered in smoke

As Seen through a TelescopeAs Seen through a Telescope
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A peeping Tom gets a shocking glimpse of stocking in this early take on film voyeurism.

Man by BedMan by Bed
Trick film19011 minsSilent
When the bed itself is tossing and turning, how is a man supposed to get his rest?

Two Old SportsTwo Old Sports
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A conversation between two gents perks up when they see a picture of a beautiful actress in a magazine

The Haunted Curiosity ShopThe Haunted Curiosity Shop
Fantasy19012 mins
The strange objects in this shop are brought uncannily to life thanks to a series of early camera tricks

The House That Jack BuiltThe House That Jack Built
Comedy19001 minsSilent
All's well that ends well - which is exactly what happens when movie magic undoes a boy's wanton vandalism

The Kissing CoupleThe Kissing Couple
Drama18991 minsSilent
This sequence of increasingly enthusiastic smooches was hot stuff in 1899

Three Linotype MachinesThree Linotype Machines
Advert19001 mins
Early advertising film demonstrating the machinery which revolutionised the printing industry

Tommy Atkins in the ParkTommy Atkins in the Park
Comedy18981 minsSilent
A soldier takes boisterous revenge when an unwelcome stranger interrupts his romantic moment

The Sports and Nations' Dance, Grand Finale and Curtain, On Open Air Stage at Crystal PalaceThe Sports and Nations' Dance, Grand Finale and Curtain, On Open Air Stage at Crystal Palace
Non-Fiction18992 minsSilent
A Victorian stage spectacle filmed at the magnificent Crystal Palace in south London

Mister MoonMister Moon
Trick film19011 minsSilent
Musical comedian Percy Honri is a ukulele-playing man-in-the-moon in this early skit

Lover Kisses HusbandLover Kisses Husband
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A husband catches his wife with another man and takes his revenge

Cheese MitesCheese Mites
Comedy19032 minsSilent
What’s in your cheese? The microscopic mites here are unpleasant today but caused a sensation in 1903, in one of the Britain’s earliest exhibited scientific films.

Are You There?Are You There?
Comedy19011 minsSilent
Innovative early film, which invents its own 'split-screen' effect

A Prize Fight or Glove Fight between John Bull and President KrugerA Prize Fight or Glove Fight between John Bull and President Kruger
Comedy19002 mins
The two sides of the Boer War slug it out

The Death of Poor JoeThe Death of Poor Joe
Drama19001 minsSilent
A scene from Bleak House is the first ever screen adaptation of Charles Dickens

The Bride's First NightThe Bride's First Night
Comedy18981 minsSilent
Saucy comedy about a bride modestly disrobing whilst the husband peeks from behind a screen

The Puzzled Bather and His Animated ClothesThe Puzzled Bather and His Animated Clothes
Trick film19011 minsSilent
An entertaining early film 'trick'

Deonzo BrothersDeonzo Brothers
Performance19011 minsSilent
The fabulous Deonzo Brothers in a spectacular barrel-jumping stage act

The Dispatch BearerThe Dispatch Bearer
War19001 minsSilent
Mitchell & Kenyon enter the action genre, reimagining a Boer War skirmish - with Blackburn standing in for South Africa.

Two A.M.; Or, The Husband's ReturnTwo A.M.; Or, The Husband's Return
Comedy18961 minsSilent
A drunken spouse gets his just desserts in a timeless scene

The Lassie and Her DogThe Lassie and Her Dog
Comedy19013 minsSilent
A pet dog submits to his mistress’s beautifying ministrations

Two Laughing MenTwo Laughing Men
Comedy19001 minsSilent
Two men lose it laughing at something in a magazine

Will Evans, The Musical EccentricWill Evans, The Musical Eccentric
Comedy18991 minsSilent
Music hall chairs: impressive acrobatics in a Victorian music hall act

Two WrestlersTwo Wrestlers
Sport19001 mins
An early demonstration of Greco-Roman wrestling for the benefit of the camera

Attack on a China Mission - Bluejackets to the RescueAttack on a China Mission - Bluejackets to the Rescue
War19001 minsSilent Location: Brighton
Fictional treatment of a contemporary atrocity story from the 1900 Boxer rebellion in China.

Weary WillieWeary Willie
Comedy18981 minsSilent Location: West Yorkshire
Comic hijinks with a malodorous tramp

Woman, Dog and PupsWoman, Dog and Pups
Interest film19011 minsSilent
Beautifully-preserved early film of a young girl feeding some excitable puppies

Afternoon Tea al FrescoAfternoon Tea al Fresco
19001 minsSilent
An overeager guest disrupts teatime in this enigmatic slice of Victorian drama.

The Magic Sword A Mediaeval MysteryThe Magic Sword A Mediaeval Mystery
Fairy tale19013 minsSilent
This innovative 'trick' film is a fantastical children's pantomime in miniature

Arrest of Goudie (1901)Arrest of Goudie (1901)
Crime19016 minsSilent Location: Berry St, Liverpool
Crimewatch Mitchell and Kenyon style, in the first ever film to recreate a true crime.

Beheading a Chinese BoxerBeheading a Chinese Boxer
War19001 minsSilent
A grisly early fictional reconstruction inspired by atrocity stories from China's Boxer Rebellion.

Aunt Selina - Takes Snuff, Sews and Plays with Her CatsAunt Selina - Takes Snuff, Sews and Plays with Her Cats
Comedy19001 mins
This ‘facial’ comedy showcases the rubber face of Tom Green.

Attack on a Mission StationAttack on a Mission Station
War19001 minsSilent Location: Blackburn
Dramatised account of Chinese rebels' violent confrontation with Christian missionaries, made in the wake of the Boxer Rebellion.

Countryman and the CinematographCountryman and the Cinematograph
Comedy19010 minsSilent
A country yokel gets a shock in an early example of a 'film within a film'.

Collapsing Bed SceneCollapsing Bed Scene
Comedy18970 minsSilent
A mysterious fragment of Victorian footage.

Drama19015 minsSilent
A dramatic rescue from a burning building by heroic firemen is one of our most important films

E. H. Williams' Merrie MenE. H. Williams' Merrie Men
Performance18993 minsSilent
Fascinating fragments of a typical Victorian seaside entertainment

His Brave DefenderHis Brave Defender
Crime19011 minsSilent
When a couple's home is burgled, the missus proves her mettle by confronting the culprit, come what may

Gentleman FishingGentleman Fishing
Comedy18961 minsSilent
A splash of Victorian comedy that still reels you in

Has He Hit Me?Has He Hit Me?
Comedy18981 minsSilent
The 'Two McNaughtons' roll out their popular music-hall routine

Kitty MahoneKitty Mahone
Performance19002 mins
Victorian Music hall star Lil Hawthorne sings the popular 'Kitty Mahone' in this earliest surviving 'sound film'

The Indian Chief and the Seidlitz PowderThe Indian Chief and the Seidlitz Powder
Comedy19012 minsSilent
A witty warning that medicine is not to be messed with: mix the wrong dose of powders and your bellyache may blow up

Kidnapping by Indians (1899)Kidnapping by Indians (1899)
Drama18992 minsSilent Location: Blackburn
Out-takes of the world's earliest ever 'Western' film.

The Kiss in the TunnelThe Kiss in the Tunnel
Comedy18991 minsSilent
A classic saucy sketch, a chance for canoodling in the carriage as the train hits a tunnel

Long Night DanceLong Night Dance
Drama19002 minsSilent
There's more than footwork going on in this dance lesson

Policeman BeatenPoliceman Beaten
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A woman beating out a carpet; a frisky policeman; a husband’s return… whatever will happen next?

Old Maid's ValentineOld Maid's Valentine
Comedy19001 minsSilent
Early comedy in which a cruel joke is played on an old maid

Policeman and BurglarPoliceman and Burglar
Crime19021 minsSilent
A bracing fight scene, played out in an early purpose-built film studio.

The Postman and the NursemaidThe Postman and the Nursemaid
Comedy18991 minsSilent
A comic old faithful

The Tramp and the Baby's BottleThe Tramp and the Baby's Bottle
Comedy18992 minsSilent
It's a lovely day in the park, for romance and daylight robbery - but will this tramp make a clean getaway?

The Twins' Tea PartyThe Twins' Tea Party
Comedy18961 minsSilent
These two little lovelies were captured on screen by RW Paul and were the hit of his 1896 Alhambra show.

Snowballs (1901)Snowballs (1901)
Comedy19012 minsSilent Location: Glasgow
Young scamps launch a snowball attack on a hapless bobby.

Sporting Colliers and the Bobby (c.1901)Sporting Colliers and the Bobby (c.1901)
Comedy19012 minsSilent
A policeman breaks up a gambling den, but is caught pocketing the proceeds.

Mr Moon (1901)Mr Moon (1901)
Advert19013 minsSilent
Rare production footage of an early 'trick' film with a famous music hall performer.

Unfaithful Wife (c.1900)Unfaithful Wife (c.1900)
Drama19001 minsSilent
A faithless wife, with a penchant for men in uniform, entertains a sailor before her policeman husband comes home.

Waif and the Wizard; or, The Home Made HappyWaif and the Wizard; or, The Home Made Happy
Trick film19012 minsSilent
A boy asks a magician to entertain his sick sister in this edition of RW Paul’s Sentimental Songs with Animated Illustrations.

A Woman UndressingA Woman Undressing
Pornography18961 minsSilent
A treat for Victorian voyeurs - and Britain's oldest erotic film?

The Would-be ConjurorThe Would-be Conjuror
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A yokel is so impressed by a conjuror's magic trick that he attempts to repeat it on his wife

Comic Costume RaceComic Costume Race
Non-Fiction18961 minsSilent
Plenty of laughs to be had as these Victorian clowns attempt to run a charity race - if they can get their wigs on

Let Me Dream AgainLet Me Dream Again
Comedy19001 minsSilent
Harsh reality interrupts an older man's reverie of flirting with a pretty young woman

The Spirit of His ForefathersThe Spirit of His Forefathers
Advert19001 minsSilent
One of the earliest surviving British adverts

King JohnKing John
Drama18991 minsSilent
The first ever Shakespearean film - once thought to be lost - with Herbert Beerbohm Tree in the title role.

Scrooge; Or, Marley's GhostScrooge; Or, Marley's Ghost
Fantasy19016 minsSilent
Debut film outing for Dickens' Yuletide classic

The Big SwallowThe Big Swallow
Comedy19011 minsSilent
A classic early film gag - and a big leap forward for a fast-evolving new art

First X-ray Cinematograph Film Ever TakenFirst X-ray Cinematograph Film Ever Taken
0 mins
Frogs legs on film: trailblazing Victorian medical research

A Morning WashA Morning Wash
Comedy19001 minsSilent
What larks during the morning wash, swapping bootblack for the soap...

Santa ClausSanta Claus
Fantasy18981 minsSilent
These Victorian children's Christmas wishes come true in a very special early British film

Undressing Extraordinary; Or, The Troubles of a Tired TravellerUndressing Extraordinary; Or, The Troubles of a Tired Traveller
Trick film19012 minsSilent
Entertaining example of early 'special effects'

Upside Down; Or, The Human FliesUpside Down; Or, The Human Flies
Comedy18991 minsSilent
A memorable early film 'trick'

How We Filmed in the NinetiesHow We Filmed in the Nineties
Amateur film193624 minsSilent
A whistlestop tour of early filmmaking, from street scenes to a thrilling Western.

Once upon a Time...Once upon a Time...
Non-Fiction18972 minsSilent
Double nostalgia, as this 1930 newsreel looks back at a London landmark in earlier days

Nurses Attending the WoundedNurses Attending the Wounded
War18991 minsSilent
Brits versus Boers... or are they?

Tom Merry, Lightning Cartoonist, Sketching Kaiser Wilhelm IITom Merry, Lightning Cartoonist, Sketching Kaiser Wilhelm II
Trick film18950 minsSilent
Quick on the draw: Victorian cartoonist Tom Merry does a rapid sketch of Kaiser Wilhelm II

X RaysX Rays
Comedy18971 minsSilent
I've got you under my skin... early 'trick' film having fun with the new science of x-ray photography

Good NightGood Night
Advert18981 minsSilent Location: St Pancras
An unusual farewell in this charming early film