England Expects
Military heroes came second only to the Queen herself in the hierarchy of Victorian celebrity culture. With the British Empire at its peak, filmmakers jostled for glimpses of conquering heroes like Lord Kitchener and Field-Marshal Roberts.
The second Boer War was the first major conflict of the film era, and a few intrepid pioneers travelled with their cameras to South Africa. While they rarely captured the fighting, the footage they sent home gave filmgoers an unprecedented window on the war. Other filmmakers were content to re-enact skirmishes at home or film processions of departing or returning troops to excite patriotic audiences.

Ambulance Crossing the ModderAmbulance Crossing the Modder
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent
A surprisingly languid scene shot far from the Boer War battlefields.

Coldstream Guards Embarking on Troopship GasconColdstream Guards Embarking on Troopship Gascon
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent Location: Southampton
This close view of departing troops gets up close and personal with soldiers off to the Boer War.

H.M.S. "Powerful" Arriving in Portsmouth HarbourH.M.S. "Powerful" Arriving in Portsmouth Harbour
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent Location: Portsmouth
A mighty naval cruiser returns home to Britain, covered in glory - and Nelson's ship is there to welcome it

Lord Roberts Presenting Medals to Boer War Volunteers in Liverpool (1901)Lord Roberts Presenting Medals to Boer War Volunteers in Liverpool (1901)
Non-Fiction19019 minsSilent Location: Liverpool
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces recognises war heroes old and new in front of crowds on a wet day in Edwardian Liverpool.

Wooden Walls of Old EnglandWooden Walls of Old England
Non-Fiction18991 mins
Panorama of two wooden battleships, both by this time used as training ships for naval cadets

Royal Scots Regiment at Edinburgh Castle (1901)Royal Scots Regiment at Edinburgh Castle (1901)
Non-Fiction19015 minsSilent Location: Edinburgh Castle
Troops play up for the camera in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle.

Battle of Spion Kop: Ambulance Corps Crossing the Tugela River (1) Battle of Spion Kop: Ambulance Corps Crossing the Tugela River (1)
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
Stunning cinematic record of a key British defeat in the Boer War

A Skirmish with the Boers near KimberleyA Skirmish with the Boers near Kimberley
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
A Boer War re-enactment with a ring of authenticity

Band Marching down a StreetBand Marching down a Street
Non-Fiction18970 minsSilent Location: Barnet
A uniformed marching band takes to the street in this early film by pioneer cinematographer Birt Acres

Warships at SunsetWarships at Sunset
Non-Fiction19000 minsSilent
A stunning shot of ships at sea - with a little help from some creative ingenuity

Dispersing the Troops at Windsor after ParadeDispersing the Troops at Windsor after Parade
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent Location: Windsor
The senior regiment of the British Army, the Life Guards, are dismissed after a Royal Review

Boer War Recruitment MarchBoer War Recruitment March
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
Come face to face with the Victorian age in this Boer War-era parade film with an unexpected ending

Trafalgar Day London 1900Trafalgar Day London 1900
Non-Fiction19001 mins Location: Trafalgar Square
With the Boer War raging 1,000s of miles away, Victorian Londoners pay tribute to the military

Lancers Crossing the Modder RiverLancers Crossing the Modder River
Non-Fiction18991 mins
British cavalry advance after the Battle of Modder River in the Boer War

Sailors on H.M.S. Black Prince Firing Cannon and RiflesSailors on H.M.S. Black Prince Firing Cannon and Rifles
Non-Fiction19001 mins
Naval trainees show off their weapons prowess for the camera

Train Load of C.I.V.s Leaving SouthamptonTrain Load of C.I.V.s Leaving Southampton
Non-Fiction19001 mins Location: Southampton
Back in Blighty - after fighting in the Boer War, these volunteer soldiers are heading home to London and Middlesex

War Balloon and Transport Crossing the Vaal RiverWar Balloon and Transport Crossing the Vaal River
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
A Boer War poser: how do you get a balloon and a train of carts drawn by mules and oxen across a river with no bridge?

Colonial Troops and CavalryColonial Troops and Cavalry
18992 minsSilent
A dispatch from South Africa? Or an elaborate deception?

French Military ProcessionFrench Military Procession
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
Military processions could usually be relied on to draw a crowd, both in the streets and later in the cinemas.

Gymnasts on Parallel BarsGymnasts on Parallel Bars
Sport18981 minsSilent
An impressive eight-some performs some Victorian gymnastics for the camera.

Lord Roberts Hoisting the Union Jack at PretoriaLord Roberts Hoisting the Union Jack at Pretoria
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
A triumphant moment in the Boer War

Military ParadeMilitary Parade
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
An enigmatic bit of film rescued from history's dustbin

Bluejackets' Field Gun Drill at DurbanBluejackets' Field Gun Drill at Durban
Non-Fiction19003 minsSilent
Boer war sailors fire, dismantle, move and reassemble a pair of heavy guns in a contest of skill and dexterity.

Soldiers March along a RoadSoldiers March along a Road
Non-Fiction19001 mins
Troops on the move - but are they destined for the battlefield?

The Arrival and Reception of Lord Roberts at CapetownThe Arrival and Reception of Lord Roberts at Capetown
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
A military supremo takes command of British forces in South Africa

The Gordon HighlandersThe Gordon Highlanders
Non-Fiction18971 minsSilent
The Gordon Highlanders parade over Edinburgh's (brand) New North Bridge

Parade of Troops with Band and Crowds FollowingParade of Troops with Band and Crowds Following
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
For Britons during the Boer War, a welcome opportunity to support the troops - and march alongside them

1st Volunteer Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment - Blackburn Rifle Volunteers (1900)1st Volunteer Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment - Blackburn Rifle Volunteers (1900)
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent Location: Blackburn
An impressive display of numbers from the local volunteer force as part of the Blackburn Easter Fair.

The 5-inch Siege Guns Crossing Vaal RiverThe 5-inch Siege Guns Crossing Vaal River
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
Boer war soldiers play at cowboys, as long teams of oxen are harnessed to keep heavy siege guns moving

Artillery Crossing a RiverArtillery Crossing a River
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
A menagerie of animals helps troops cross a river without getting their feet wet

The Australian Mounted Rifles Marching through Cape TownThe Australian Mounted Rifles Marching through Cape Town
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent
Australia’s contribution to the Boer War effort is glimpsed en route to the front.

Bayonet DrillBayonet Drill
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
A vigorous military drill is watched by a large crowd.

Duke and Duchess of York at ConwayDuke and Duchess of York at Conway
Non-Fiction18993 minsSilent Location: Conwy
The spectacle of a royal visit in Victorian Wales is captured by local showman Arthur Cheetham.

Entry of the Scots' Guards into BloemfonteinEntry of the Scots' Guards into Bloemfontein
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
RW Paul’s tactic of lending a camera to Walter Beevor of the Scots Guards pays dividends in this Boer War footage.

Field Ambulances Crossing the Vaal RiverField Ambulances Crossing the Vaal River
Non-Fiction19000 minsSilent
Field ambulances attempt a tricky crossing of the Vaal during the Boer War.

The Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers Digging Entrenchments at Orange River, South Africa - The passing of the Armoured TrainThe Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers Digging Entrenchments at Orange River, South Africa - The passing of the Armoured Train
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent
British troops dig in during the Boer war campaign

Gordon Highlanders Leaving for the Boer WarGordon Highlanders Leaving for the Boer War
18991 minsSilent Location: Aberdeen
A rambunctious crowd greets the Highlanders in Aberdeen, some more interested in the camera than the soldiers.

Indian Army ParadeIndian Army Parade
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
The British Indian Army present arms for the camera in this early actuality film

Infantry at Pretoria (c.1900)Infantry at Pretoria (c.1900)
Non-Fiction19003 minsSilent
First-hand footage of troops on parade in Boer War era Pretoria.

Mounting and Dismounting a 3-ton GunMounting and Dismounting a 3-ton Gun
Non-Fiction19003 minsSilent
Royal Marines demonstrate the fearsome artillery skills they would take to the Boer War - all without firing a shot

Troopship Nubia Leaving HarbourTroopship Nubia Leaving Harbour
Non-Fiction18992 minsSilent Location: Southampton
The Nubia sets sail from Southampton as the crisis in South Africa escalates.

King's Liverpool RegimentKing's Liverpool Regiment
Amateur film18981 minsSilent
Another example of early amateur cinematography from Robert A Mitchell, yet to perfect his cranking technique.

Lord Roberts' Arrival in LondonLord Roberts' Arrival in London
Non-Fiction19011 mins Location: London
A conquering Boer War hero enjoys a rapturous homecoming parade

Lord Roberts Leaving for South AfricaLord Roberts Leaving for South Africa
Documentary18991 minsSilent Location: Southampton
With grim news from the Boer War, a popular military commander is given a fond farewell as he leaves to take command

C.I.V. Procession. Cyclists and InfantryC.I.V. Procession. Cyclists and Infantry
19001 minsSilent
A very patriotic heroes' welcome for men who volunteered to fight for their country in the Boer War

Lord Roberts' Visit to Manchester (1901)Lord Roberts' Visit to Manchester (1901)
Documentary190110 minsSilent Location: Manchester
The Boer War hero addresses a capacity crowd in Manchester's Piccadilly Gardens and unveils a statue to the late Queen Victoria.

Lord Rosebery in Carlisle (c.1901)Lord Rosebery in Carlisle (c.1901)
Non-Fiction19011 minsSilent Location: Carlisle
Liberal politician and former Prime Minister Lord Rosebery addresses appreciative crowds.

Manchester's Welcome to the Imperial Yeomanry (1901)Manchester's Welcome to the Imperial Yeomanry (1901)
Non-Fiction19014 minsSilent Location: Manchester
A volunteer cavalry regiment is enthusiastically welcomed home after active service in South Africa.

Military Sunday in NewcastleMilitary Sunday in Newcastle
Non-Fiction19001 mins Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
A marching band leads the parades with the Boer War still raging

President KrugerPresident Kruger
Non-Fiction18981 mins
An early film scoop, capturing the South African president on film

Ralph Pringle Interviewing Private Ward V.C. Hero in Leeds (1901)Ralph Pringle Interviewing Private Ward V.C. Hero in Leeds (1901)
Non-Fiction19012 minsSilent Location: Leeds
An ordinary hero of the Boer War in a curious silent 'interview'.

Sir George White Leaving the London HippodromeSir George White Leaving the London Hippodrome
Non-Fiction19001 mins Location: London
Londoners turn out in their thousands to greet the returning Boer War hero after his famous defence of Ladysmith

Return of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment (1901)Return of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment (1901)
Non-Fiction190114 minsSilent Location: Birmingham
Soldiers returning from the Boer War get a warm welcome home from crowds in Edwardian Birmingham.

Return of the Brave Manchester Volunteers (1901)Return of the Brave Manchester Volunteers (1901)
Non-Fiction19015 minsSilent Location: Manchester
Crowds throng the streets for the return of Manchester's Volunteers from South Africa.

The Seaforth Highlanders' Return to Cairo after the Fall of Omdurman and KhartoumThe Seaforth Highlanders' Return to Cairo after the Fall of Omdurman and Khartoum
Non-Fiction18981 minsSilent
The Scottish regiment filmed on their return from fighting in the Sudan

The Surrender of Kroonstad to Lord RobertsThe Surrender of Kroonstad to Lord Roberts
Non-Fiction19002 mins
British commander Lord Roberts takes possession of Kroonstad - a huge symbolic victory in the Boer War

Torpedo Flotilla Visit to Manchester (1901)Torpedo Flotilla Visit to Manchester (1901)
Non-Fiction190119 minsSilent Location: Manchester
The might of the British Navy struts its stuff down the Manchester Ship Canal.

Trafalgar Day in Liverpool (1901)Trafalgar Day in Liverpool (1901)
Non-Fiction19015 minsSilent Location: Liverpool
Huge crowds turn out in Edwardian Liverpool for the annual celebrations marking the victory at the Battle of Trafalgar.

Bluejackets Amuse ThemselvesBluejackets Amuse Themselves
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent
An unusual film showing Victorian sailors larking around.

Marines Firing In RankMarines Firing In Rank
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent
Before the firing squad: a group of young marines aim their rifles at the camera during a drill.

Embarkation of the C.I.V. For South AfricaEmbarkation of the C.I.V. For South Africa
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent Location: Southampton
City Imperial Volunteers head for the Boer War battleground

Sirdar's Reception at GuildhallSirdar's Reception at Guildhall
Non-Fiction18981 minsSilent
Military hero Lord Kitchener is presented with the Freedom of the City of London.

Troops Leaving Port Elizabeth JettyTroops Leaving Port Elizabeth Jetty
Non-Fiction19001 mins
British soldiers freshly in South Africa

Arrival of Wounded at Hospital ShipArrival of Wounded at Hospital Ship
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent
Injured soldiers head home from South Africa in this film advertised as portraying "one of the dark sides of war".

General Buller Embarking on the 'Dunottar Castle' at SouthamptonGeneral Buller Embarking on the 'Dunottar Castle' at Southampton
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent Location: Southampton
Anticipating a swift victory General Buller heads for his third campaign in South Africa, with his wife in tow

General Buller's Transport Train of Ox-teamsGeneral Buller's Transport Train of Ox-teams
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
A calm scene from the Boer War

Gordon Highlanders in LadysmithGordon Highlanders in Ladysmith
Non-Fiction19001 minsSilent Location: Ladysmith
The Scottish regiment joins the relief column following the devastating siege of Ladysmith in the Boer War

Guards Procession in LondonGuards Procession in London
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
Horse guards and artillery going great guns in a London parade

The Heroes of Ladysmith Marching through LondonThe Heroes of Ladysmith Marching through London
Non-Fiction19002 minsSilent
A Boer War celebration - but with the war still raging

Review of the Life Guards by Her Majesty the QueenReview of the Life Guards by Her Majesty the Queen
Non-Fiction18992 mins Location: Windsor
Spot the Queen, as she bids farewell to part of the Household Cavalry before they head off to the Anglo-Boer war

The 'Roslin Castle' (Troopship) Leaving for South AfricaThe 'Roslin Castle' (Troopship) Leaving for South Africa
Non-Fiction18992 mins Location: Southampton
The 2nd Battalion West Yorkshires head off to join the Boer War

Scottish Troops Leave for South AfricaScottish Troops Leave for South Africa
Non-Fiction18991 mins
Soldiers parade on a Scottish street before heading for action in the Boer War

Soldiers Working and Firing a Field GunSoldiers Working and Firing a Field Gun
Non-Fiction19001 mins
Sailors from HMS 'Excellent' operate a 9-pounder muzzle loading field gun

Army Life; Or, How Soldiers Are Made - InfantryArmy Life; Or, How Soldiers Are Made - Infantry
Non-Fiction19000 minsSilent
Fragment of an epic, starring the King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment

Royal Leinster Regiment HalifaxRoyal Leinster Regiment Halifax
19001 minsSilent
A brisk drill on a cold winter's day

Nurses Attending the WoundedNurses Attending the Wounded
War18991 minsSilent
Brits versus Boers... or are they?

Fleet in the Tyne (1901)Fleet in the Tyne (1901)
Non-Fiction19013 minsSilent Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Destroyers from the Edwardian Royal Navy filmed from a ship in the Tyne.

Return of the Lancaster Volunteers (1901)Return of the Lancaster Volunteers (1901)
Non-Fiction19023 minsSilent Location: Lancaster
Some nifty product placement creeps in to this formal portrait of the Lancaster Volunteers.

Parade of the Bolton Artillery Volunteers (1901)Parade of the Bolton Artillery Volunteers (1901)
Non-Fiction19043 minsSilent Location: Bolton
The Bolton Artillery Volunteers put on an impressive parade despite the snow.

Chasing De WetChasing De Wet
Trick film19010 minsSilent
A story from South Africa recreated rather closer to home

Troops Passing over the Modder by TrainTroops Passing over the Modder by Train
Non-Fiction18991 minsSilent
Despite the retreating Boers blowing up the original bridge, the rapid movement of troops is quickly restored.

Battle Of Spion Kop: Ambulance Corps Crossing The Tugela River (2)Battle Of Spion Kop: Ambulance Corps Crossing The Tugela River (2)
19000 minsSilent
Stunning cinematic record of a key British defeat in the Boer War

Battle Of Spion Kop: Ambulance Corps Crossing The Tugela River (3)Battle Of Spion Kop: Ambulance Corps Crossing The Tugela River (3)
19001 minsSilent
Stunning cinematic record of a key British defeat in the Boer War