The March of Time
Time Marches On! Though perhaps most famous today for inspiring the opening of Citizen Kane, The March of Time was a truly trailblazing series.
Arriving in the USA in 1935, March of Time immediately lit a fuse under the formulaic newsreel genre with an intoxicating new formula all its own. This was serious screen journalism, covering social and global issues, delivered with pace, an urgent commentary and generous helpings of dramatic reconstruction. March of Time soon set up a London office, appointing British documentary giant John Grierson as consultant. He in turn parachuted his protégés Edgar Anstey and Harry Watt into senior production roles. The London unit was tasked both with filming British stories and editing the UK edition of the series for British cinemas. The London production unit closed just a few years later as the war approached, but March of Time continued to be released here until 1951. It is this British edition of the famous series that we make available here on BFI Player: an exciting account, vividly captured in the urgent present tense, of some of the most dramatic years of the 20th century.

Inside Nazi GermanyInside Nazi Germany
Documentary193816 mins
A genuinely historic film, which caused much controversy at the time: the first commercially -released American motion picture to explicitly attack Hitler and Nazism.

Presidential YearPresidential Year
Documentary194815 mins
‘Crisp and sincere’,‘carefully trained’ or ’resonant and vibrant’? Which voice would appeal to you if you had to pick the Republican candidate for the 1948 Presidential Election?

Great Britain CoronationGreat Britain Coronation
Anthology193724 mins
Weatherproof bunting, fog, clockwork dolls and a Hollywood exodus to London: this sideways look at preparations for the Coronation of George VI provides a wry American take on a very British ceremony.

Documentary193918 mins
This ode to New York from March of Time shows us how seven and half million people from every race and nationality in the world, live, work and play together in ‘the greatest metropolis of the New World’.

Irish Free StateIrish Free State
Anthology193623 mins
How Ireland turned herself into a self-sufficient powerhouse - plus a study of the "lunatic fringe" in US politics.

America Thinks It OverAmerica Thinks It Over
Documentary193917 mins
In a world on the verge of war, will America support the democracies of Europe, or turn inwards and embrace isolationism?

Movies March OnMovies March On
Non-Fiction193921 mins
Charlie Chaplin relaxes on the tennis court in this potted history of Hollywood, which looks back fondly to the early days of film, in a world on the brink of war.

The British Film IndustryThe British Film Industry
Non-Fiction193622 mins
A laudatory item on the mid-1930s British film industry makes this issue of the cinemagazine fascinating for film fans.

Hollywood U.S.A!Hollywood U.S.A!
Anthology193722 mins
Hollywood has more than just celebrated stars: its industry is respectable and prosperous, says Leslie Howard.

Storm Over BritainStorm Over Britain
Documentary194718 mins
After WWII, was Britain a place of peace and prosperity, or disillusionment and destitution?

The Defence of the Realm Act The Defence of the Realm Act
Anthology193722 mins
Ending child exploitation, saving theatres, and finding a stiff drink - how to survive the Great Depression.

Britons on Holiday: Butlins Holiday Camp at SkegnessBritons on Holiday: Butlins Holiday Camp at Skegness
Anthology193819 mins
Private investigations, comedy, and holidays - looking at three rather different industries.

Britain, Peace and PropagandaBritain, Peace and Propaganda
Documentary193918 mins
The Magna Carta and George Washington’s family tree spearhead a propaganda campaign to win US hearts and minds as Britain prepares for war.

Britain and Peace; G-Men of the SeaBritain and Peace; G-Men of the Sea
Anthology193823 mins
An exhortation to Britain to stand up to the Nazi threat is paired with a reconstruction of a US Coastguard operation against gun smugglers.

Refugee Today and TomorrowRefugee Today and Tomorrow
Documentary193817 mins
A fierce denunciation of anti-Semitic policies in Nazi Germany seen in the context of the global refugee crisis of 1938.

British Shipping IndustryBritish Shipping Industry
Anthology193521 mins
From US colonialism to UK shipbuilding via anti-strikebreaking measures - this issue of the American newsreel has it all.

Britain's RAF: The Royal Air ForceBritain's RAF: The Royal Air Force
Documentary194018 mins
Britain's fighter pilots get a bombastic backing in this high-octane spectacle.

Coal Industry in BritainCoal Industry in Britain
Anthology193720 mins
The struggling UK coal industry is under the spotlight, together with the US liquor trade and the rise in trailer living.

Crisis in IranCrisis in Iran
Documentary195119 mins
An intriguing review providing key historical context to the start of the Abadan Crisis (1951-54), a pivotal event that shaped present-day Iran.

East of Suez!East of Suez!
Anthology193520 mins
A four-story issue of March of Time, the pick of which is not for the faint-hearted; a report on a US motor safety campaign that reduced deaths on the road, but may have also given a generation of children nightmares.

Father of the TurksFather of the Turks
Anthology193721 mins
Three reports from March of Time: Kemal Ataturk relaxes on a Turkish beach, fake cancer cures are exposed and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band reforms to play Tiger Rag.

India in CrisisIndia in Crisis
Documentary194219 mins
Special reporting, featuring Gandhi, which looks at how to get India onside in fighting the Axis of Evil.

India at WarIndia at War
Documentary194219 mins
A compelling case for the involvement of the United States in Britain’s Indian Empire is made, in this comprehensive survey of the war effort in India.

Asia's New VoiceAsia's New Voice
Documentary194917 mins
Two years after India gained its independence from British rule, was the dream starting to go sour?

Dixie USADixie USA
194019 mins
Barefoot sharecroppers and ‘No Coloreds’ signs; plantation mansions and Confederate cemeteries: a look at the Deep South which disturbs and informs in equal measure.

Uncle Sam - the Good NeighbourUncle Sam - the Good Neighbour
Anthology193918 mins
Adolf Hitler glowers from the cover of a Spanish-language version of Mein Kampf in this account of how US diplomats fought the rise of Nazism in South America in 1938.

New Schools for old-U.S.A.New Schools for old-U.S.A.
Anthology193821 mins
A new take on the education system, while Britain's waiters and Alaska's fishermen air some grievances.

America Speaks Her MindAmerica Speaks Her Mind
194121 mins
Who'll save those Londoners sheltering in the Tube - that's the question confronting ordinary American moviegoers.

Americans All!Americans All!
194119 mins
Americans all! How immigrants have influenced the American way of life.

American Fisheries; England's Tithe WarAmerican Fisheries; England's Tithe War
Anthology193622 mins
Weeding out cheats and standing up for the little guy: the news magazine that took a stance.

Inside Fascist SpainInside Fascist Spain
Documentary194318 mins
A scathing indictment of fascism in wartime Spain, utilising exclusive footage shot by March of Time cameramen.

MacArthur's JapanMacArthur's Japan
Documentary194918 mins
In March of Time's report from post-war Japan, the Emperor renounces his divinity to study marine biology, while his subjects put feudalism behind them and tentatively embrace democracy.

Mexico's New Crisis, Youth PreparesMexico's New Crisis, Youth Prepares
Anthology193919 mins
What should we make of Mexico's revolutionary new president? Plus, the importance of a good boy scout.

Vatican CityVatican City
Documentary194018 mins
The inner-workings of the world’s smallest state were shown to filmgoers for the very first time in this lively and revealing portrait of the Vatican of Pope Pius XII.

Men of WashingtonMen of Washington
Documentary194220 mins
March of Time profiles the American home-front through the lens of Washington, providing an insight into the machinery of government in the first months of war.

Youth in CampsYouth in Camps
Anthology193718 mins
March of Time reports on the beginnings of the summer camp movement in the USA, goes behind the scenes at Oxford University and tracks Madrid under attack during the Spanish Civil War.

Thumbs Up Texas!Thumbs Up Texas!
194119 mins
Ten-gallon hats, a rich history, endless oil-fields, vast herds of cattle, and a giant statue of Popeye: in Texas size really does matter.

Princeton, N.J!Princeton, N.J!
Anthology193620 mins
A look at the younger generation's readiness for war, and a pat on the back for crime fighters.

Atlantic City U.S.A.Atlantic City U.S.A.
Anthology193624 mins
Diverse cinemagazine looking at the rise of teenage delinquents, dictators… and aeroplanes.

Dogs for Sale; Railroad Renaissance; The HighlandsDogs for Sale; Railroad Renaissance; The Highlands
Anthology193722 mins
Dogs for sale by the roadside, a renaissance on the railroads and an opportunity to look at the Scottish Highlands.

Railways TodayRailways Today
Documentary194716 mins
Is nationalisation the answer to Britain's post-war railway problems? The Labour government thinks so.

Policeman's HolidayPoliceman's Holiday
Documentary194919 mins
A car chase through London's Soho district makes this post-war dramatised documentary the rival of any detective movie.

Tito: a new ally?Tito: a new ally?
Documentary195118 mins
New buildings rise up alongside traditional peasant dwellings as Yugoslavia transforms itself into an anti-Soviet Communist state under the controlling eye of Josip Broz Tito.

Answer to StalinAnswer to Stalin
Documentary194819 mins
Was there a better way of fighting the Soviet threat than the atomic bomb? The ‘answer to Stalin’ was to rebuild Europe with billions of dollars of aid: the Marshall Plan.

Documentary194717 mins
From the spires of Prague to the furnaces of the Skoda armaments factory, this tumultuous account of a recently reborn Czechoslovakia portrays a country finding its way in a new Europe.

New FranceNew France
Documentary194619 mins
English tourists queue for visas and the wine begins to flow again, while German POWs clear minefields, in this sober but optimistic account of France’s post-war recovery.

The Mediterranean - Background for WarThe Mediterranean - Background for War
Documentary193918 mins
A classroom full of smock-clad Italian children give the Fascist salute in their Tunisian school: a warning sign of Mussolini’s burgeoning power in the Mediterranean.

Battle for GermanyBattle for Germany
Documentary194818 mins
Was Nazism a good idea poorly carried out? Many Germans still thought so in 1948, according to this portrait of a country threatened by Russia but still trying to escape its own past.

The Gathering StormThe Gathering Storm
195016 mins
The possibility that the world could face another global conflict, with the added horror of nuclear weapons, forms the backdrop to this tense warning from the age of anxiety.

America Prepares America Prepares
194119 mins
Anxious young men scan the news for the draft lottery results to see if their number has come up in a film which documents a historic event: the first peacetime draft in US history.

America’s New ArmyAmerica’s New Army
194217 mins
A grinning effigy of Hitler is skewered by the bayonet of a new recruit: one striking image among many from this morale-boosting account of the American army in 1942.

The U.S. Navy 1940The U.S. Navy 1940
194018 mins
1940 was a crucial year for the U.S. Navy. From the Panama Canal to the South Pacific, see how America was preparing its fleet for a war which was drawing closer by the day.

Labor & Defense U.S.ALabor & Defense U.S.A
Non-Fiction194119 mins
In 1941 America’s working men and women were the ‘indispensables’ of the industrial offensive to arm the USA and provide aid for embattled Britain. This film tells their story.

Prelude to VictoryPrelude to Victory
Documentary194318 mins
Nominated for an Oscar, this film dramatically depicts the carefully plotted invasion which took Hitler by surprise and led to the defeat of Axis powers in Africa.

The Argentine QuestionThe Argentine Question
194219 mins
From the bustle of Buenos Aires to the estancias of the fertile interior, this film shows the people of Argentina at work and at play in factories, on farms, and at football matches.

Japan - Master of the OrientJapan - Master of the Orient
Documentary193918 mins
A Tokyo cabaret dancer twirls a parasol emblazoned with the Swastika and the Rising Sun: one striking image among many in this 1939 film about the dangers of Japanese aggression.

Gateways to PanamaGateways to Panama
194020 mins
Windswept palm trees on Devil’s Island and warships in Guantanamo Bay: this evocative issue vividly captures the fear and uncertainty spreading through the Caribbean in 1940.

G.Men At WarG.Men At War
Documentary194220 mins
Microfilm, fifth columnists and special agents: this dramatic reconstruction of an undercover operation against Nazi spies shows J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI fighting the enemy within.

G-Men Combat SaboteursG-Men Combat Saboteurs
194121 mins
Meet the men responsible for protecting America from spies, saboteurs and Fifth Columnists: the agents of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI.

Australia at WarAustralia at War
Non-Fiction194118 mins
A film full of contrasts captures Australia at a pivotal point in its history: under threat from Japan at home, but pledging to defend the British Empire and the Crown abroad.

Nobody’s Children?Nobody’s Children?
Documentary194717 mins
From New York’s Foundling Hospital to the US Children’s Bureau in Washington DC, this film introduces us to the orphans of America and the couples who wish to become their parents.

The Nation’s Mental HealthThe Nation’s Mental Health
Documentary195119 mins
A new approach to a national problem. This sensitive look at the National Institute for Mental Health shows America’s changing attitudes to ‘diseases of the mind’ in the post-war years.

Marriage and DivorceMarriage and Divorce
Documentary194817 mins
A nervous couple tie the knot in front of a stern priest, in a film which is enjoyable for the sheer zest with which it shows the varieties of misery possible in modern marriage.

Fashion Means BusinessFashion Means Business
Documentary194717 mins
Style never goes out of fashion! From Dior couture to the mass productions of New York’s Garment District, this issue celebrates the pleasure - and business - of being well-dressed.

Beauty at WorkBeauty at Work
Documentary195017 mins
Lured by the promise of a career in the big city, Patricia Kugleman leaves Tulsa, Oklahoma to brave the perils of life in New York City as model - and potential cover girl - Patti Cook.

Man at the WheelMan at the Wheel
Anthology193819 mins
By 1937 the American lifestyle promised pleasure at home and adventure on the road: this entertaining film shows how the country was coping with some unforeseen hazards.

British South AfricaBritish South Africa
Documentary194319 mins
South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts delivers a stirring speech in London, watched by an approving Winston Churchill, in this affirmative film about South Africa’s contribution to the war.

Dutch East IndiesDutch East Indies
194017 mins
Rich in natural resources but vulnerable to attack, the wealthiest colonies in the world prepare to resist the threat of a Japanese invasion.

The PhilippinesThe Philippines
194019 mins
Will war come to the Philippines? This film shows a nation on the brink of crisis: fearful of Japan, reliant on US protection, and now uncertain of the benefits of independence.

Ulster v. Eire: The Unification QuestionUlster v. Eire: The Unification Question
Anthology193819 mins
‘March of Time investigates the bootleg baby racket, visits the vineyards of France and reports on a Loyalist victory in Northern Ireland’s elections.

Battle Fleets of BritainBattle Fleets of Britain
Documentary193919 mins
A modern fleet, centuries of tradition - and properly ironed collars - lay the foundations for victory, as the Royal Navy prepares to battle the U-boat threat in September 1939.

Britain's NoblemenBritain's Noblemen
Anthology193819 mins
Follow a notorious forger from Nebraska to New York, see mutinous sailors stage a sit-down strike, and watch British noblemen find new ways to earn a living - not all of them ethical.

Finland Today: Pests of 1938: The Human HeartFinland Today: Pests of 1938: The Human Heart
Anthology193818 mins
Finnish modernity, the threat of the White-Fringed beetle and a gripping item on heart disease make for a riveting film, filled with drama but told with optimism.

Old Dixie New BoomOld Dixie New Boom
Anthology193821 mins
Neighbourhood vigilantes tell an unscrupulous trader to ‘hop it’, as MP Ellen Wilkinson’s bill to protect working class buyers from Hire Purchase swindlers becomes reality.

Salt Lake City; Amateur Sleuths; The Land of CottonSalt Lake City; Amateur Sleuths; The Land of Cotton
Anthology193720 mins
Idle Mormons, angry cotton pickers and a boom in detective fiction: a mix of intriguing and provocative stories set against a turbulent background of unemployment and recession.

Anthology193720 mins
A bankrupt mill-town, the evils of political patronage and Hawaii’s struggle for statehood. Three ways of looking at the same question: how to change society for the better?

Uncle Sam - The FarmerUncle Sam - The Farmer
Documentary193918 mins
A hard day’s work in the fields and rolling hills of Iowa’s fertile farmlands is followed by barn-dancing and cider-drinking in this tribute to the farmers of America’s Corn Belt.

Crime and PrisonsCrime and Prisons
Non-Fiction193821 mins
A strikingly liberal plea for prison reform and a view of the Anschluss seen through the lens of NBC’s news machine.

Inside the Maginot LineInside the Maginot Line
Documentary193820 mins
This issue scooped rival newsreels by venturing deep inside the Maginot Line’s labyrinthine tunnels, to reveal an underground city of French soldiers preparing for war.

Peace by Adolf HitlerPeace by Adolf Hitler
194118 mins
A dire warning to isolationists, this graphic retelling of Hitler’s conquest of Europe shows that the only certain fact about Nazi promises of peace was that they would be broken.

Crisis in the AtlanticCrisis in the Atlantic
194118 mins
Praise for the unsung heroes of the Battle of the Atlantic: the merchant seamen who faced the deadly threat of U-boats and Stuka bombers to bring vital supplies to Great Britain.

Soldiers with WingsSoldiers with Wings
Documentary193919 mins
Released in the USA on the day that Germany invaded Poland - 1st September 1939 - this timely and dramatic issue warns America to prepare for a new kind of warfare.

Sailors with WingsSailors with Wings
194120 mins
Hair-raising footage of a US Navy dive bomber squadron in action puts the viewer in the cockpit, in this account of the ever-growing importance of the US navy’s air force in 1941.

General Douglas Macarthur; Geneva; The Invasion Of EthiopiaGeneral Douglas Macarthur; Geneva; The Invasion Of Ethiopia
Anthology193620 mins
A sinister, bearded figure walks the streets of Paris at dawn. Follow French public executioner Pierre Deibler, as he travels with his guillotine, to perform his deadly trade.

On StageOn Stage
Documentary194918 mins
Drama on-stage and behind the scenes, from auditions to first night reviews, as The March of Time raises the curtain on the 1948 Broadway production of ‘Anne of the Thousand Days’.

It’s in the GrooveIt’s in the Groove
Documentary194918 mins
Witness the rise of the record industry, from its primitive beginnings to the unveiling of the formats that would revolutionise the world of popular music: the LP and the single.

Wish You Were HereWish You Were Here
Documentary194918 mins
Round-the-clock fun is the order of the day in this whirlwind survey of the tourist industry in 1949: from a mass Hokey Cokey at Butlin’s Pwllheli, to stand-up comedy in the Catskills.

Male LookMale Look
Documentary195016 mins
This sardonic appraisal of the fashion choices available to men in 1950, reveals how to carry off a variety of unflattering looks, from terry cloth beach coats to platform shoes.

Men of MedicineMen of Medicine
Documentary193815 mins
Should Uncle Sam pay for public medical care? This absorbing film champions the work of the American medical profession, while highlighting the lack of aid for the underprivileged.

Life With JuniorLife With Junior
Documentary194818 mins
Saved by the timely advice of a child expert! A jealous sister is poised to smash a bottle over her baby brother’s head, until the wise words of a counsellor avert disaster.

The Russia Nobody KnowsThe Russia Nobody Knows
Documentary194719 mins
Eager science students, devout peasants, tough farm workers and hungry families: this film offered a rare chance for viewers to see the human face of Russia in the aftermath of war.

Holland’s Colonial ProblemHolland’s Colonial Problem
Documentary194818 mins
From the thriving streets of Amsterdam to the troubled shores of the East Indies: Dutch postwar prosperity is in jeopardy as the Netherlands become embroiled in a colonial conflict.

Czechoslovakia; Brain Trust IslandCzechoslovakia; Brain Trust Island
Anthology193820 mins
Key West is transformed into a thriving resort - and becomes a victim of its own success. Fearful of a German invasion, Czech president Benes calls upon his army to mobilise.

China Fights BackChina Fights Back
194117 mins
ABCD stands for America, Britain, China and Democracy: a young Chinese boy learns to write English in one of the striking images in this dispatch from the Sino-Japanese War.

Men of NorwayMen of Norway
194120 mins
A shipment of dried cod bound for Germany is sprayed with kerosene by a young Norwegian in one of the more inventive acts of anti-Nazi sabotage from this gripping film.

Germany - Handle With CareGermany - Handle With Care
Documentary194718 mins
A group of young Nazis meet in a clandestine ‘Werwolf’ gathering as they plot resistance against the occupying Allied forces, in this frontline report from postwar Germany.

Atoms at WorkAtoms at Work
195211 mins Location: Harwell
A fascinating behind-the-scenes look at Harwell's nuclear research establishment and the peaceful applications of atomic energy.

Halfway to Where?Halfway to Where?
Documentary195017 mins
From an explosive Gene Krupa drum solo to the power of colliding atoms, this 1950 film finds expressions of change, uncertainty and tension in the worlds of art, politics & science.

Mr and Mrs AmericaMr and Mrs America
Documentary194320 mins
Rumour clinics, female garage attendants, scrap metal drives and zoot suits: American society was changing in unexpected ways as the country entered its second year of war.

Anthology193513 mins
A New York dentist discovers an anaesthetic formula for pain-free dentistry, and superstar Soviet miner Alexei Stakhanov celebrates his Man of the Year award in style.

New York City PoliceNew York City Police
Documentary194718 mins
A New York City cop goes undercover to solve a double-murder case, in a report which shows ordinary American policemen fighting America’s post-war crime wave.

Men of the US NavyMen of the US Navy
Documentary194218 mins
Your navy needs you! This film was made to appeal to young Americans’ sense of duty and patriotism, while promising an exciting life at sea at a critical point in the Second World War.

Newsfronts of WarNewsfronts of War
News193919 mins
The humming banks of teletype machines in the New York offices of the Associated Press bring news of the world-changing events of 1939, from Shanghai, Madrid, London and Moscow.

On Foreign NewsfrontsOn Foreign Newsfronts
194019 mins
Featuring dramatic footage of the Battle of Britain, this film looks at the war in Europe from the point of view of American foreign correspondents and their mission to tell the truth.

T-Men in ActionT-Men in Action
Documentary194718 mins
See a gang of back country bootleggers, a tax-evading meat dealer and a small-time jewellery smuggler brought to justice by the enforcement agencies of the US Treasury Department.

Is Everybody Listening?Is Everybody Listening?
Documentary194819 mins
Enjoy the sounds - and sights - of American public radio in 1948. From soap operas and game shows to political debates and classical music concerts, all human life is here.

Farming Pays OffFarming Pays Off
Documentary194917 mins
Bumper crops, shiny new cars and enormous kitchen appliances. America’s farmers enjoy their new prosperity in a film which hints at the worries beneath the confident exterior.

The Navy and the NationThe Navy and the Nation
Documentary194319 mins
An impressive overview of the work of the men and women responsible for organising, planning and producing equipment for the US Navy in 1943, from riveters to radar manufacturers.

Life With GrandpaLife With Grandpa
Documentary194817 mins
Watch America’s ‘oldsters’ dance, get married, play baseball and work more efficiently than their younger counterparts in this spirited challenge to prejudices about old age.

Your Doctors TodayYour Doctors Today
Documentary194718 mins
A man breaks down in tears while undergoing psychoanalysis in a powerful scene from this survey of the groundbreaking changes in medicine since the end of World War II.

Teachers CrisisTeachers Crisis
Documentary194716 mins
Forced to work in a tavern to supplement his poor wages, a teacher pours a customer’s beer then marks homework at the bar, in this hard-hitting look at the US education crisis in 1947

The Fight for Better SchoolsThe Fight for Better Schools
Documentary194921 mins
‘We’ve got a week to get a bill written!’ Shocked at the poor standard of their children’s schools, a local PTA group campaigns to change educational policy in the state of Virginia.

Chance to LiveChance to Live
Documentary194919 mins
Italian children, left homeless after the war, get a chance to rebuild their lives in a miniature republic where they make their own laws. But adjusting to the new life is not easy...

Main Street U.S.A.Main Street U.S.A.
194218 mins
If fifth columnists took over what would Main Street USA look like? This issue imagines life in an American town controlled by the goose-stepping members of a Nazi ‘New Order’.

King ZogKing Zog
Anthology193621 mins
When does reading a Betty Boop comic count as a political act? Possibly when it’s done by an unemployed protester amusing his child during a daring sit-in in Trenton, New Jersey.

Crisis in ItalyCrisis in Italy
Documentary194817 mins
The Italian Communist Party in 1948 : a force for progress and reform or the last refuge of a desperate population and a threat to the rest of Europe?

Belgium’s NeutralityBelgium’s Neutrality
Anthology193619 mins
The ethics of American college football; a controversial plan to build a seaway to the Atlantic, and a proto-Nazi political party’s influence over King Leopold III of Belgium.

Formosa Island of PromiseFormosa Island of Promise
Documentary195117 mins
How did Taiwan cope with the huge influx of Chinese refugees from the mainland after the war? This report explains why the island is a symbol of hope for all developing countries.