This film is part of Free

A Guide to Goodness

Tasteful promo for the tasty black stuff.

Industry sponsored film 1967 17 mins


This classy promo for the eponymous black stuff goes down easy and nicely hits the spot. Director Eric Marquis, a talented maverick of industrial filmmaking, expertly follows the age-old recipe of the ‘industrial process’ documentary but shuffles the sequencing; moving to and fro between Guinness’ production processes, laboratory research and contented consumers - and the firm’s all-important marketing and brand management activities of which the film itself is part.

Headed by Marquis (acting as producer rather than director) more-or-less the same production team took more-or-less the same brief four years later to brew a much more experimental, impressionistic film out of the same subject matter: Guinness for You (1971) (available on BFI DVD Roll Out the Barrel). This take is a more conventional but still elegant blend of advertising with sponsored documentary: hop-sharp, malt-sweet and reliably tasteful.