The North East Film Archive is one of a network of regional film archives established to collect, preserve and show film made in, or about the North East of England. Our collections are non-fiction, and date from the early 1900s to the present day, providing a rich record of life in the region over the 20th century. Many of our films are available to watch, free of charge, on our website.
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Opening of the Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge
Extraordinary pictures of an accident with a royal audience at Middlesbroughs magnificent Transporter Bridge in 1911.
From the collection of:

A surprise scoop awaits a news cameraman at the opening ceremony of the high and mighty steel Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough on October 17th 1911. Queen Victorias grandson, Prince Arthur of Connaught, declares the bridge open from the Transporter car, crowded with important civic dignitaries including the Mayor, Sir Hugh Bell. Astonished guests witness an unfortunate accident as the bridge car moves off on its inaugural trip across the River Tees.
This local topical most certainly thrilled the crowds at cinemas, and probably screened, along with live acts, at cinema magnate Tommy Thompsons Middlesbrough theatres, Cleveland Hall, affectionately known as the "Bug and Flea", and the Hippodrome in Wilson Street, purchased in 1910. Equally, the combination of royal celebrity and a new iconic bridge in town would have lured audiences. The wonderful lacy structure impressed architectural historian Sir Nikolaus Pevsner in 1966, when his Yorkshire guide noted: ...A European monument, one is tempted to say, is the Transporter Bridge of 1911, 850 feet long and 225 feet high, and in its daring and finesse, a thrill to see from anywhere.

The Big Country The Big Country
Promotional 1970 16 mins Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Tuning into the biggest consumer market for television advertising in Britain with Trident TV.

Son of Plain - Advertising Man's Guide to Tyne Tees Television Son of Plain - Advertising Man's Guide to Tyne Tees Television
Animation & Artists Moving Image 1964 11 mins Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Is comedian Clive Dunn the Don Draper of the British advertising world? Watch this imaginative Tyne Tees TV marketing film and decide.

The Disabled and Work The Disabled and Work
Documentary 1981 32 mins Location: Middlesbrough
A film which shows the desire and dedication of those with disability to become integrated into the world of work.

Son of the Man from South Bank Son of the Man from South Bank
Amateur film 1964 3 mins Silent Location: Middlesbrough
Now that’s magic! A young Paul Daniels performs with a flourish at the Middlesbrough Circle of Magicians.

College Church May Procession College Church May Procession
Home movie 1965 2 mins Silent Location: Middlesbrough
Middlesbrough’s Catholic children make their way to church to take part in their First Communion in the 1960s.

Middlesbrough Football Song Sung by School Choir Middlesbrough Football Song Sung by School Choir
News 1975 2 mins Location: Middlesbrough
A schoolboy choir sing the praises of Middlesbrough Football Club.

All We Imagine As Light - Exclusive Q&A All We Imagine As Light - Exclusive Q&A
Short interview 2025 28 mins
Payal Kapadia discusses her Cannes prize-winning and Bafta-nominated drama with Ashanti Omkar.

Khichdi Khichdi
Animation & Artists Moving Image 2023 16 mins
The interwoven stories of four best friends who reunite in the UK, thirty-five years after training together as nurses during their teens in Ferozepur, Punjab.

Dr XYZ: A Medical Drag Transthology Dr XYZ: A Medical Drag Transthology
Documentary 2023 15 mins
A satirical take on the healthcare service announcements of the 1960s and 70s.

Every Moment Counts Every Moment Counts
Animation & Artists Moving Image 2023 9 mins
A short animation that offers a window into the world of children’s palliative care.

Police Story: Panel Discussion Police Story: Panel Discussion
Inside Film 2024 24 mins
Panel discussion on Jackie Chan's 1985 action classic Police Story, with Chase Armitage, Sam Mak and Jadey Duffield.

China O'Brien: The Reunion China O'Brien: The Reunion
Documentary 2024 60 mins
Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton and Keith Cooke reunite three decades on from the groundbreaking martial arts classic.