

The past is a ghost, the future a dream, and all we ever have is now.
Ghost stories, tales of possession and psychic disturbance have enthralled audiences since the before film was invented, and continue to exert a dread fascination. Film's first and perhaps still its most compelling special effect is the ghostly image, but television's unique intimacy has equally made the creepy story-telling and taught psychological power of haunting tales unforgettable on screen. Out at the crossroads, or drifting through old dark houses, unquiet spirits of the corrupt, the bereft, the lost, the damned, and the murdered return to the present to take their revenge.
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Rent for £2.50

The Phantom LightThe Phantom Light

Comedy193572 minsDirector: Michael Powell

Michael Powell’s gothic mystery of a haunted lighthouse where insanity thrives.

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Haunters of the DeepHaunters of the Deep

Children's198461 minsDirector: Andrew Bogle

A ghostly boy returns from the grave to warn against reopening 'The Devil's Mine' in this spooky drama.

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Out of the DarknessOut of the Darkness

Children's198568 minsDirector: John Krish

A ghostly drama of the Derbyshire plague village of Eyam, as unquiet spirits of the long dead make contact with the living.