But Where Are You Really From?
T A P E Collective's online takeover explores the nuances of being mixed heritage today.
From up and close short documentaries exploring the immigrant experience to tenderly comedic interactions, this free collection has something to offer anyone who has ever felt like they are trying and not always succeeding, to represent themselves whilst balancing between two worlds.
- Isra Al Kassi, Nellie Alston and Angela Moneke, T A P E collective

Two DosasTwo Dosas
Comedy201416 mins Location: London
Geeky Pavan takes his 'English Rose' on a date to the most authentic Indian restaurant in the city. To his horror she goes off-menu, in Hindi...
Co-written by Nikesh Shukla, Geeky Pavan takes his 'English Rose' on a date to the most authentic Indian restaurant, exoticising himself in an attempt to impress her. To his horror she goes off-menu, in Hindi. It makes fun of the inability to 'play the brown-card' but also highlights the value we place on being spokespeople for our culture, even when we oursevles have a fair bit to learn. (Isra Al Kassi)
Taarof: A Verbal DanceTaarof: A Verbal Dance
Drama201916 mins
When Nazanin attends her estranged fathers funeral she is compelled into womanhood, by rebelling against the ideals of what it is to be an Iranian woman.
A young woman attends the funeral of her estranged father and struggles with the customs of her culture.

Documentary20193 mins
Exploring the way in which culture has a fundamental influence within the African Diaspora in London.
An up close and personal documentary told through film and still images, exploring the way in which culture has a fundamental influence within the African Diaspora in London.

I'm British But...I'm British But...
Documentary198929 minsDirector: Gurinder Chadha
Britain beats to the sound of Bhangra and Bangla in Gurinder Chadha's debut film.
Gurinder Chadha interviews young British Asians from all over the UK, though all have differing interests and views about what being Asian and British means, importantly each has a strong idea of what their culture means to them.

Sorry, My Somali Is Not Very GoodSorry, My Somali Is Not Very Good
Drama20213 mins
A look into a young Somali woman who is having difficulties speaking her mother tongue.
A young Somali woman has trouble with her mother tongue and gets encouraged by her father to keep trying.

Two women discuss the complexities of defining their racial identities.

Being BothBeing Both
Documentary20198 mins
Bringing together a series of compelling stories from the mixed-race community.
In this short Ryan Cooper-Brown speakes to people who have faced issues directly relate to the mixed-race experience, from displacement and family conflict to racism and fetishisation.

Cedar Wood & SilkCedar Wood & Silk
199514 mins
Insightful exploration of the relationship between a Jamaican mother and her British-born daughter.
Differing opinions about fashion spark a vibrant, insightful exploration of the tender relationship between a Jamaican mother and her British-born daughter.

Once an Old Lady Sat On My ChestOnce an Old Lady Sat On My Chest
Drama201814 mins
A magical realism short about a young Nigerian-British woman who's forced to deal with her identity crises when a mysterious old lady squats on her chest.
A young woman is forced to deal with her identity crises, when a mysterious old woman squats on her chest.

The GazeThe Gaze
Animation & Artists Moving Image20186 mins
An experimental documentary on racial profiling by Swedish police.
The Gaze shares experiences of being racialised in Sweden, a posititon which finds non-white citizens criminilised and exoticised. The film offers an eye-opening insight into other countrie's treatment of who they deem 'foreign'.

Elephant in the RoomElephant in the Room
Documentary20194 mins
A personal reflection on how the artist’s mixed-race heritage has shaped her outlook on life.
Using home video and photos Elephant In The Room explores every single detail of heritage and identity, delivered through a powerful spoken word piece.

The Homecoming: A Short Film about AjamuThe Homecoming: A Short Film about Ajamu
Drama-documentary199517 mins Location: Brixton
Queer activist and artist Ajamu prepares to leave Brixton for an exhibition of his work in his hometown, Huddersfield
A quote from C.L.R James pops up on the screen. “Those people who are in western civilization, who have grown up in it, but yet are not completely a part have a unique insight into their society.” Ajamu is that person as we follow his escape from South London back to his hometown of Huddersfield.

Drama201822 mins
Yasmina, originally from Morocco, is an illegal alien in France. One evening, she sees her father being arrested right in front of her.
Yasmina is in France without a visa but dreams of playing professional football, when heading home from practice she sees her father being arrested. Yasmine reminds us of the real instability certain immigrants face, and that even when feeling settled, the wrong paperwork will have the fear of deportation looming over.

Homeland TrilogyHomeland Trilogy
Documentary20177 mins
A trilogy of short documentaries mapping out the personal migration stories of the filmmaker's family.
Homeland, Fatherland and Motherland make up this trilogy which explores the immigrant experience in the UK by following three different stories ranging between the first, second and third generation.

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