Cinema of Childhood
Cinema of Childhood is a season of films curated by Mark Cousins to accompany his documentary A Story of Children and Film. Most of the films are featured in the documentary and they comprise 11 of the best films about childhood ever made, from eight countries, spanning seven decades.
These are also the children’s classics you’ve never seen – most of which have never been distributed in this country before. Discover a world beyond the celebrated mainstream and arthouse classics, a hidden trove of unheralded masterpieces.

Drama199466 minsDirector: Dorota Kedzierzawska
Dorota Kiedzerawska’s remarkable film turns a troubling storyline - about a neglected girl who kidnaps another girl and acts as her surrogate mother - into a tender and exhilarating drama.

A Story of Children and FilmA Story of Children and Film
Documentary2013101 minsDirector: Mark Cousins
Mark Cousins' personal and poetic exploration of the cinema of childhood, as told through 53 great films from 25 countries.

The Yellow BalloonThe Yellow Balloon
Thriller195380 minsDirector: J. Lee Thompson
A young boy is coerced into helping a fugitive in J. Lee Thompson’s taut crime thriller, set amid the bombed-out ruins of post-war London.

Willow and WindWillow and Wind
Drama200081 minsDirector: Mohammad-Ali Talebi
An edge-of-seat classic about a boy who has to transport a large pane of glass across the countryside in a howling gale, from Iranian masters Abbas Kiarostami and Mohammed-Ali Talebi.

Bag of RiceBag of Rice
Drama199680 minsDirector: Mohammad-Ali Talebi
A feisty child and her near-blind neighbour trek across Tehran in this unforgettable odd-couple adventure.

The BootThe Boot
Drama199259 minsDirector: Mohammad-Ali Talebi
Sameneh pesters her mother for a pair of red boots, only to lose one and then undertake a desperate search for it.