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Winston Churchill Film

An audacious plot to kidnap Winston Churchill brought to life by a cast of 'A' listers in an Oxfordshire village.

News 1976 9 mins

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The village of Mapledurham in Oxfordshire stands in for the fictional Norfolk village of Studley Constable as one of the big film releases of the 1970s goes before the cameras. Michael Caine is the star of 'The Eagle has Landed' and talks to reporter Derek Hobson about "avoiding the parochial" by working in big budget Hollywood rather than getting lumbered in the moribund British film industry with the likes of 'Confessions of a Window Cleaner'.

Hobson interviews Larry Hagman, a couple of years before his career took off into the stratosphere with the TV soap 'Dallas'. He also speaks to director John Sturgess on what would turn out to be his final work in a long career that had taken in other action film classics such as 'The Magnificent Seven' and 'The Great Escape'.