This film is part of Free

The Bread of Life

Remarkable film about the making - and the meaning - of communion bread.

1933 18 mins Silent


Give us this day... This remarkable film by the Catholic Film Society shows how communion bread is physically made - and what it spiritually means. It follows the classic structure of the ‘process’ genre: pastoral scenes of farming raw material, interiors of workshop production then finally the product in use. But as the production is by nuns, and the climax involves transubstantiation, it’s an industrial film with a difference.

The Catholic Film Society made many films, as well as reviewing films from a Catholic perspective. This was one of the first but sadly few others seem to have survived. This item suggests unusually confident, creative amateur documentary-making – communicating clearly but with stylised artistic touches informed by Catholic theology. Look out for one particularly striking artful image that kicks in at about 05:53.