This film is part of Free

For the Wounded

'Our Day' charity fundraising badges are pinned to the coats of two black soldiers during WWI.

Non-Fiction 1915 1 mins Silent



This mid-WWI Topical Budget newsreel sees 'Our Day' badges being sold on the streets of Britain to members of the armed services, in aid of servicemen wounded in the conflict. The short item provides a rare opportunity to see on film black soldiers who served King and country at that time. No apparent racism is shown towards the two soldiers, one of whom smiles at the camera, while women pin the charity badges to their coats.

During WWI, black men from Britain and across the Empire joined the armed services to fight for the King and "mother country". Some integrated into British regiments while others, from the Caribbean, joined the British West Indies Regiment. Some made the ultimate sacrifice, others were wounded in battle, and there were those who were decorated for their bravery. Still, this is sadly one of very few glimpses of black servicemen in early British newsreels.
