This film is part of Free

Charge of the 12th Lancers

“The finest and most realistic Military Film ever taken!”

Non-Fiction 1897 1 mins Silent


“The finest and most realistic Military Film ever taken,” reads the advertisement for this film, made by early pioneer Birt Acres. “If you wish to electrify your audience, if you wish to double your takings, if you wish to prove yourself up to date: Buy It, Buy It, Buy It, Buy It, Buy It! After seeing this film you will understand what the Dervishes had to encounter.” This is typical of the advertising hyperbole of the time; nevertheless, the film is notable for its reproduction – along with other early films such as How it Feels to Be Run Over and the phantom ride genre – of points of view that were otherwise unobtainable (and unsurvivable!) in any other medium.