Inventing Film Language
In any new technology, it's the early adopters whose innovations and discoveries begin to map out what is possible. The first filmmakers had a lot to learn, but with eager audiences to please, they learnt quickly.
Most of the techniques we know today were in place by the end of the Victorian period: close-ups, pans and travelling shots; editing and principles of continuity, and numerous tricks and effects, from jump-cuts, to double-exposure and even split screen. Generations of later filmmakers would refine these methods, but the groundwork had already been done.

As Seen through a TelescopeAs Seen through a Telescope
Comedy19001 minsSilent
A peeping Tom gets a shocking glimpse of stocking in this early take on film voyeurism.

Countryman and the CinematographCountryman and the Cinematograph
Comedy19010 minsSilent
A country yokel gets a shock in an early example of a 'film within a film'.

Drama19015 minsSilent
A dramatic rescue from a burning building by heroic firemen is one of our most important films

Undressing Extraordinary; Or, The Troubles of a Tired TravellerUndressing Extraordinary; Or, The Troubles of a Tired Traveller
Trick film19012 minsSilent
Entertaining example of early 'special effects'

Grandma's Reading GlassGrandma's Reading Glass
Trick film19001 minsSilent
A boy examines things through his Grandmother’s magnifying glass, and early film takes a huge step forward.

The Big SwallowThe Big Swallow
Comedy19011 minsSilent
A classic early film gag - and a big leap forward for a fast-evolving new art

Let Me Dream AgainLet Me Dream Again
Comedy19001 minsSilent
Harsh reality interrupts an older man's reverie of flirting with a pretty young woman

The Kiss in the TunnelThe Kiss in the Tunnel
Comedy18992 minsSilent
A snatched kiss in a railway tunnel, played by real-life married couple GA Smith and Laura Bayley

The Kiss in the TunnelThe Kiss in the Tunnel
Comedy18991 minsSilent
A classic saucy sketch, a chance for canoodling in the carriage as the train hits a tunnel

The Magic Sword A Mediaeval MysteryThe Magic Sword A Mediaeval Mystery
Fairy tale19013 minsSilent
This innovative 'trick' film is a fantastical children's pantomime in miniature

The House That Jack BuiltThe House That Jack Built
Comedy19001 minsSilent
All's well that ends well - which is exactly what happens when movie magic undoes a boy's wanton vandalism

Comic Faces - Old Man Drinking a Glass of BeerComic Faces - Old Man Drinking a Glass of Beer
Comedy18971 minsSilent
How many faces can one man pull while drinking one glass of beer? Far more than you might think

Spiders on a WebSpiders on a Web
19000 minsSilent
Dare you watch this footage of larger-than-life spiders - one of the earliest nature films of its type?

Are You There?Are You There?
Comedy19011 minsSilent
Innovative early film, which invents its own 'split-screen' effect

Cheese Mites; Or, Lilliputians in a London RestaurantCheese Mites; Or, Lilliputians in a London Restaurant
Trick film19011 minsSilent
Discovering an infestation in a restaurant has never been as much fun as in this early trick film

The Puzzled Bather and His Animated ClothesThe Puzzled Bather and His Animated Clothes
Trick film19011 minsSilent
An entertaining early film 'trick'

The Haunted Curiosity ShopThe Haunted Curiosity Shop
Fantasy19012 mins
The strange objects in this shop are brought uncannily to life thanks to a series of early camera tricks

Waif and the Wizard; or, The Home Made HappyWaif and the Wizard; or, The Home Made Happy
Trick film19012 minsSilent
A boy asks a magician to entertain his sick sister in this edition of RW Paul’s Sentimental Songs with Animated Illustrations.

Artistic CreationArtistic Creation
Trick film19012 minsSilent
This burlesque film fantasy has striking sexual overtones - and a surprising feminist twist